The sergeants set an example at all times; support for the supervision of group leaders; develop team spirit on the train; forward absence reports to the first company sergeant; assist the driver in forming the train; advising staff at the request of a group leader; and take control of the train in the absence of the driver. The battalion commander, the sergeant major, is the deputy to the battalion commander. As the longest-serving member of the Cadet Corps, the sergeant supervises the other non-commissioned officers in the battalion and companies. The specific duties of the Commanding Sergeant Major are as follows: (j) to report incidents prejudicial to good order and discipline and to submit reports to the instructors, the cadet battalion commander and the senior officer. (e) To ensure that instructions and orders given to the Cadet Battalion are in accordance with the principles established by the Cadet Battalion Commander; Report any violations of orders to the Cadet Battalion Commander. (e) Monitor color protection and all flag details. Ensure that the company`s first sergeants submit their weekly flag details in a timely manner, publish these lists, and ensure that members selected for details receive their notification slips prior to deployment. The first company sergeant is responsible for the administrative affairs of XO Company (if assigned) or the Company Commander. The company`s first non-commissioned officer is responsible for company training, submits absence reports to the battalion sergeant, discusses all pros and cons with the company commander before presenting them to S-1, and keeps the company commander informed of all matters related to the health and welfare of the unit. The first sergeant took command of the company in the absence of all officers.
(g) Ensure that there is a sense of mutual respect and trust between staff and company commanders. The S-3 Battalion supports the Battalion Commander in the preparation, conduct and supervision of all cadet battalion training activities. In addition, S-3 informs the commander of the progress of training within the battalion. In particular, the main tasks of the S-3 are: (i) to issue clothing, insignia and other supplies as directed by the battalion commander, senior battalion officer or instructor. (c) maintain direct and personal relationships with staff and company commanders. A company commander specifies why and how the assigned mission is to be accomplished. You will then need to check and inspect to make sure that what needed to be done is being done. They have to be exceptional leaders with a lot of initiative. Company commanders don`t expect someone to say it A good company commander is an excellent leader with a lot of initiative. Company commanders get things done. Until orders reach a company commander, they are just plans, something someone would have liked to have done.
Instead of waiting to be told what to do, company commanders think and plan ahead what seems best for the company. They act with common sense and try not to worry about making mistakes, knowing that the biggest mistake is doing nothing when it comes to acting. Company commanders use all available assistance to accomplish company tasks and keep their subordinates informed, while ensuring that mission objectives remain focused. (d) Encourage company commanders to communicate freely. (b) advise and assist the battalion commander in all of the following areas: (d) familiarize themselves with individual and squad exercises; Inspect team members during training and make sure they know what is required of them. The XO Cadet Battalion takes command of the Cadet Battalion in the absence of the Cadet Battalion Commander. (e) Perform other duties as assigned by the battalion commander, senior battalion officer or instructor. For example, in some JROTC units, the S-2 may also be responsible for the information centre and the functions of a public affairs officer if unassigned, or for the duties of a materiel officer if unassigned.
● Ensure that the company is ready to satisfactorily fulfill the mission assigned to it. (b) ensure that all members of the company are aware of and use the chain of command. e) Seek advice from the battalion commander or instructor if you encounter a problem for which you do not know the answer. The Executive Officer of the Cadet Battalion supervises, directs and coordinates the staff of the Cadet Battalion to avoid duplication and to ensure that the Commander`s wishes are understood and fulfilled. The XO Cadet Battalion keeps the staff informed of the commander`s policies and keeps the cadet battalion commander informed of the status of projects assigned to the staff. (g) know all the steps of the well; Be able to supervise/execute platoon exercises and, if you are the senior officer in training, be able to perform company exercises? Battalion Officer (C/MAJ) – second in command; assume command and commanding duties in the absence of the Cadet Battalion Commander; Responsible for the staff officers of the cadet battalion, supervision of training sessions, including notes with an appropriate summary; Oversees the Roadrunner Budget Committee (responsible for allocating cadet funds); Ensure that all training venues are booked; Works with C/S3 to ensure adequate training oversight The S-2 Battalion assists the battalion commander and instructors in resolving unit security issues and enforcing the provisions of battalion security requirements. (l) Perform other duties as assigned by the battalion commander, senior battalion officer or instructors. Also advise the battalion commander and instructors on the status of all weapons. This officer supervises the issuance, maintenance and surrender of all weapons; maintains the list of weapons; and prepares and distributes weapons cards for cadets. (h) Coordinating with company commanders and battalion personnel on transfer and organizational recommendations to instructors; Assign cadets to various companies and keep records of these deployments. f) Carry out the battalion commander`s orders as if they were your orders, even if you personally disagree with them. (a) Planning and coordination of special projects described by the Cadet Battalion Commander, XO Cadet Battalion or instructor staff.
(i) make on-site corrections at all times to ensure that all members of the Company understand and comply with the Cadet Rules. l) Be prepared to evaluate each member of the battalion, but especially battalion headquarters personnel and company commanders. (d) Act as commander of troops during ceremonies. (c) keep the Cadet Battalion Commander, XO Cadet Battalion and instructors informed of the progress of projects or any problems related to projects. (b) Inspect the work of the Cadet Battalion Staff and conduct other inspections as instructed by the Cadet Battalion Commander. (i) endeavour to resolve any management, training and discipline issues at your level; If you cannot resolve a problem, seek advice and support from the Company Commander, XO Company or First Sergeant. (b) To receive the report of the company commanders in battalion formation and to receive the names of persons absent from the sergeant. Squad leaders are accountable to their platoon leader/sergeant for the appearance, behavior, training and discipline of their squad. They ensure that each team member learns and does what is expected and adheres to high standards of behaviour. Group leaders shall: (j) keep the company`s managing director informed in case of absence. (q) Be responsible for everything the battalion does or does not do. Battalion Command Sergeant Major (C/CSM) – Senior Advisor to the Commanding Officer on the state of cadet morale, discipline and training within the battalion; Supervises C/1SGs Company, Physical Training Plans, UTSA Army ROTC Color Guard; Link between the Senior Military Instructor and the Cadet Battalion (f) Perform other duties as assigned by the Cadet Battalion Commander or instructor staff.
(h) Ensure that personnel are capable and aware of their responsibilities to the battalion commander, the senior battalion officer and the cadet corps. The Cadet Battalion Commander must be mature, willing to take on responsibilities and able to effectively delegate authority and supervise subordinates. The battalion commander controls the staff through the battalion executive officer and the companies through the company commanders, while retaining final approval authority in the cadet chain of command. ● Keeps the battalion commander informed of the status of the company at all times. The Battalion Warrant Officer is the administrative assistant to the battalion commander.