CRU suggests three ways in which a believer can use the four spiritual laws for evangelism. First, a Christian can read the booklet with someone who is looking for spiritual answers. As an icebreaker, the believer can begin by asking the researcher, « Have you heard of the four spiritual laws? » If the scholar has not heard of the laws, the Christian may ask if he would be willing to read the booklet with him and give his opinion on the content. The goal is to clarify the four points of the gospel and effectively communicate God`s plan of salvation while helping them lead them to the truth of the Scriptures. Our own human mistakes and flaws mean that we often fail to live up to this standard of righteousness, but part of Christ`s sacrifice means that we can partake of His righteousness. Paul wrote of his desire to be a true Christian, « not to have my own righteousness, which comes from the law, but through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith » (Philippians 3:9). The same righteousness is available to all Christians as they seek to obey God. God presented the prophet Ezekiel with two hypothetical situations: an evil man who « turns away from all the sins he has committed, keeps all My laws, and does what is permissible and just » (Ezekiel 18:21), and a righteous man who « turns from his righteousness, commits injustice, and acts according to all the abominations that the wicked man makes » (verse 24). We can ignore these laws, or we can work hard to apply them in our own lives.
In any case, the laws themselves are going nowhere. The difficult news is that Christianity does not allow « navigation » – this spiritual law requires that we constantly focus on advancement rather than trying to capitalize on past achievements. These three laws are spiritual, they are eternal, they come from God. Everyone has certain promises and blessings. If we do not obey the law, God will not and cannot offer the blessing. It has nothing to do with money. It has everything to do with faith. God`s law of waiting means that you end up getting what you expect. In this sense, it is easy to think of good and bad deeds as deposits and withdrawals into a spiritual bank account – every good deed increases our balance, while every bad action reduces it. But this is not how this spiritual law works. Sin doesn`t just « take us away » from our bank account – it eliminates it completely. Our Savior tells us what He means by eternal life: « And it is eternal life, that they may know thee, thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent » (John 17:3).
He defines eternal life as « knowing God. » « Knowledge » indicates close intimacy, just as husband and wife are intimate in marriage (Genesis 4:1). It points to experiential knowledge, not theoretical knowledge. In Amos 5:4, God cries out, « Seek me and live. » He says, « Turn to Me and My way of life; seeks to know Me, » not to « seek Me. » He says, « Seek to know Me by living as I do. » In this way, the experiential knowledge of Him becomes an intimate knowledge of Him. We know Him largely because we live by the same law of love that He lives. These are the spiritual laws we need to make the most of this life—and the next. Jeremy Lallier is a full-time writer who works out of the offices of Life, Hope & Truth in McKinney, Texas. He has a degree in information technology, three years of experience in the electrical field and even spent a few months equipping police vehicles – but his passion has always been writing (a hobby he has had for as long as he can remember). Now he can do it full time for Life, Hope and Truth and he loves it. He especially enjoys writing about issues of the Christian life, especially about what it looks like when God`s Word is applied in everyday life. In addition to writing blog posts, he is also the producer of the video series Life, Hope & Truth Discover and writes regularly for Discern Magazine. As I examine in my book Activating the Power of God`s Word, one of the crucial spiritual laws for experiencing God`s promises is what I call the law of waiting. Essentially, the law of waiting means that you will eventually get what you expect.
This can be negative or positive. If you expect to have a bad day, you will have a bad day. If you expect joy in the midst of trials, you will experience it. The third law of power is the law of the sower. The sower is a spiritual warrior. It includes the five demonic tasks that Satan uses to steal, kill, and destroy the rhema from the hearts of God`s sons. Obeying the law of the sower will take you beyond the forces of darkness that steal everything and forbid things through pressure, abuse, debt, wealth and powerfully catapult you into your harvest. The third and final spiritual law is the payment of an honest tithing. Tithing is not a new law. The second law of potency is the law of seed. The law of the seed is as follows; The seed knows what to do.
As Christians, we associate seeds in this context with the revealed Word of Christ in our minds. I am excited about this law of power because the revealed Word is like a seed released into our lives. Jesus taught His disciples that the kingdom of God is like a man who throws seeds on the earth, and that this seed knows what to do. This means that once you have received revelation, the seed of His Word is quickly at work and cannot fail. This means you don`t have to understand everything. All you have to do is do your business in faith, and the seed will do what it is supposed to produce a crop for. Not just any crop, but your crop. What David meant by this was that he sincerely believed that God would set him free, not at a future time or place, but here and now. As a result, David got exactly what he expected: deliverance from his enemies and God`s goodness in the midst of difficulties. Law #4 is the action step that gives readers practical instructions for accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This law uses John 1:12, Ephesians 2:8-9, and John 3:1-8 to explain what it means to accept Christ by faith and what it means to be born again. As the fundamental law of nature, gravity does what it does, all day, every day.
No exceptions. The spiritual world is not as tangible as the physical world—it usually cannot be touched, seen, or heard—but the consequences of ignoring spiritual laws can be even more painful than the consequences of ignoring physical laws. Take that, multiply it by thousands of years of disobedience, and you will begin to see why our world is falling apart. It`s easy to imagine God hovering over a big red button that says « SMITE, » just waiting for us to waste it so He can rain down the punishment of the great life after death. But the fact is that it is rarely God who punishes us. Most of the time, we punish ourselves. The laws established by God are not arbitrary; They serve to protect us from decisions and actions that would otherwise have painful consequences for us and others. God is a God of law and order.
Everything he does is based on laws; spiritual laws. In verse 10, we find that obedience to God`s laws leads to certain promises based on this specific spiritual law. The term « Four Spiritual Laws » does not appear in the scriptures, but the Principles do. CRU`s goal was to create an outreach tool that organizes biblical steps to salvation in a simple, easy-to-understand format. In the introduction to the little booklet, it says, « Just as there are physical laws that govern the physical universe, there are spiritual laws that govern your relationship with God. » Luckily, most people aren`t like Bob. Most of us know what the law of gravity does and unconsciously shape our actions around it. You don`t even need to believe God. Do you know why? Because your beliefs have absolutely no bearing on reality. The universe works as God designed it, both physically and spiritually, and no one can change that. Not you, not Bob, not just anyone. When Jesus was asked what to do to have eternal life, His answer was simple: « If thou wilt enter into [eternal] life, keep the commandments » (Matthew 19:17).
To affirm this, he had much to say about keeping God`s commandments in his last words to the disciples before his arrest and crucifixion. He gave them (and us) instructions that would not be absolved by his death: Another way for a Christian to use the booklet as a witness tool, according to CRU, is to memorize the content and use it as a frame of reference in daily organic interactions. They suggest that Christians can draw the diagrams on the back of napkins while sharing a meal with an unbeliever or discussing the four laws in the context of believers` own testimony. Once friends, colleagues, and acquaintances have heard that a Christian casually shares the booklet, they are more likely to accept the booklet for further reading. Just as God created physical laws to govern creation, He also established laws to govern our spiritual lives. And activating them is crucial to experiencing its promises. Thus, from this great picture of the authority of the Word, we can add seven important principles that help us understand how we function in the kingdom of God. I call this « the seven laws of power of the Kingdom of God. » Here we will simply introduce and explain them later.