Quien Es El Representante Legal De Un Ministerio

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The legal representative is the person responsible for: According to the Internal Revenue Service (SII), the requirements to be a legal representative are as follows: In the case of the appointment of a legal representative located outside Chile, the procedure must be conducted before the authorities or clergy of the country where the person to be appointed is located as representative. This document must be validated by the Chilean consul of that country or by the competent authority if the country does not have a Chilean consul. The documents must be confirmed before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, a fundamental step to prove the authenticity and legal validity of the document in Chile. You can do this at any notary throughout Chile through a public deed or a private deed approved before a notary. In any case, the most important thing is to prove the identity of the representative with the passport or identity card. He is a lawyer and holds postgraduate degrees in constitutional law, philosophy of law and legal theory. He was a Bogotá City Councilor, representative of the Chamber, Director of the Sena and Secretary General of the Presidency. Under this provision, all Chilean or foreign natural persons residing abroad and wishing to obtain a RUT and carry out an activity in Chile must appoint a legal representative (or a representative residing or domiciled in Chile). In this case, the functions of the legal representative to the SII are as follows: regardless of the types of companies you can create in Chile and their main characteristics, all companies must assume legal responsibilities. Any company, foreign or private, wishing to start operations in Chile must have at least one legal representative registered with the Internal Revenue Service.

The change of legal representative is done according to the same steps as your initial order. Once the partners have agreed to the change, the following steps must be taken: A legal representative is a person who acts on behalf of another person and is legally recognized. The person represented may be a natural or legal person. In the case of natural persons, the representative is a representative. In the second case, the legal representative may be the manager of a company, the manager of a residential building, etc. In the case of an SME, for example, the legal representative may be one or more partners or, if you prefer, a third party. In all cases, this figure is responsible for the presentation of decision-making. You might also be interested in: Complete Guide to Types of Business to Start a Business in Chile and Need a Lawyer to Change Business? and How is the change of company done?. Paragraph: The function defined in paragraph 19 is temporary and remains with the Ministry for as long as the public order situation warrants. The new Minister of the Interior will be responsible for relations with the legislature and policy formulation in the areas of human rights, civic participation and spatial planning.

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