Lejurex Legal Services Llp

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. LEJUREX LEGAL SERVICES S.R.L. IS A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP (LP) LAW FIRM. It was registered with the Companies Registry of Bangalore on 24 November 2010. If you believe that the information is not up to date, you can request that this page be updated automatically. According to records from the Department of Corporate Affairs (MCA), LLP`s statement of accounts and solvency was most recently filed for fiscal year 2017-18 and the latest annual statement for fiscal year 2018-19. The current status of Lejurex Legal Services LLP is active. Date of the last fiscal year for which the bank statement and solvency were filed Lejurex Legal Services LLP has no partners; It has 2 designated partners. If you still notice an anomaly, please help us by reporting it. The LLP Identification Number (LLPIN) of Lejurex Legal Services LLP is AAA-2882. The registered address and contact email address are « NO.60, 1/2, 5TH FLOOR, KALAYANAMANTAP ROAD JAKKASANDRA, KORAMANGALA BANGALORE BANGALORE KA 560034 IN » AND rayudu.dhananjaya@gmail.com, RESPECTIVELY. LLPIN of LEJUREX LEGAL SERVICES LLP is AAA-2882 and its D&B D&B D-U-N-S number® is 86-#####-2460. LEJUREX LEGAL SERVICES LLP is an LLP company incorporated on 24.11.2010 and its registered office in Bangalore.It is registered with the Companies Registry, Bangalore.

The paid-up capital of LEJUREX LEGAL SERVICES LLP s.r.l. is INR 300,000. Lejurex Legal Services LLP has 2 directors/signatories. They are Putti Anjanadevi and Dhananjaya Rayadu Ramadurgam. LEJUREX LEGAL SERVICES LLP is a limited liability company established on November 24, 2010. Its head office is located at No. 60, 1/2, 5TH FLOOR, KALAYANAMANTAP ROAD JAKKASANDRA, KORAMANGALA, BANGALORE, BANGALORE, Karnataka and a capital contribution of INR 3.0 lakes. The company has 2 designated partners and 2 other partners.

While we take great care to ensure that the data we present is up to date, due to frequent changes to company information, some of the details you see can sometimes be out of date. If you believe that the information is not up to date, you can request that this page be updated automatically. The paid-up capital of LEJUREX LEGAL SERVICES LLP is and is the authorized share capital. According to the D&B database, the address of LEJUREX LEGAL SERVICES LLP is No. 60, 1/2, 5TH FLOOR, KALAYANAMANTAP ROAD, JAKKASANDRA, KORAMANGALA Bengaluru Karnataka 560034 India. The main activity of Lejurex Legal Services LLP is « Other Business Activities ». LLP`s total contribution obligation is ₹ 3,00,000 (Three Indian Lakh rupees). Main industry in India The date or date of establishment of LEJUREX LEGAL SERVICES LLP is Wednesday, November 24, 2010. If so, you can apply for this LLP.

Once you`ve made a claim, you can add additional details about your business and promote it online. Are you an owner or agent of `LEJUREX LEGAL SERVICES LLP`? Click here to view all available financial documents and regulatory filings of LEJUREX LEGAL SERVICES LLP No.60, 1/2, 5TH FLOOR, KALAYANAMANTAP ROAD JAKKASANDRA, KORAMANGALA BANGALORE Bangalore KA 560034 IN.

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