Legally Just Synonym

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in relation to or in a refusal by someone to do something they are legally obliged to do, such as comply with an agreement or pay a debt We rushed for her, forgetting that we had promised each other a long conversation just to fill the months of separation. A fact or set of facts sufficient to warrant legal action Pamphlets were places for advocacy and commentary on internal affairs, but newspapers took a position of fact neutrality. So far, one of them with a sudden hiss: « But-good-Christ-look-why, the roof is crooked-! » (Full CPAC coverage) A few speakers later, Mike Huckabee moved the crowd with his simple sermon. A study recently published in the journal Nature looked at how mice responded to a diet containing artificial sweeteners. Legal A situation where lawyers, doctors, and other professionals are allowed to keep their conversations with people legally secret Every bottle of blackberry liquor you see started with thousands of freshly harvested and freshly frozen rowan berries. a legal examination to show that the cause of an act was not only factual, but also the legal cause of a particular result. a person to whom a right or liability has been legally attributed an act that harms someone and for which you may be held legally liable, even if it is not a crime or if a right under a contract is a principle, which allows a person to benefit from a given promise, even if a legally binding contract does not exist « legally ». Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 21 September 2022. If something is morally and ethically flawless, that`s right.

If you are a fair teacher, you will not give your student an F just because his mother is rude to you. In the just-released USA Today/Suffolk poll, Roberts is five points behind his opponent. Legally liable under a specific law Some common synonyms of legal are legal, legitimate, and legal. Although all of these words mean « in accordance with the law, » the law refers to what is sanctioned by law or in accordance with the law, especially when written or administered by the courts. legally liable for damage or injury to a particular person, so you have to pay them something Nglish: Legal translation for Spanish speakers It is served by a ministerial-looking butler and a newly ordained footman. The situation where one person is held legally responsible for the actions of another person, such as when an employer is responsible for the actions of an employee. Vicarious liability is often referred to as secondary employer liability. You may remember the word justice.

When we describe a person, a rule, or a war as just, we mean that everything that has been done has been done for good reasons and is right for all parties. Just can also mean « only » or « simple. » If swimming scares you, try the kids` pool — it`s only 3 feet deep. If you`re scaring someone, say, « Don`t worry, it`s just me. » And something that happened a few moments ago just happened. an official document asking someone to do something or stop doing something someone who has been hurt by the wrongdoing of another formally legal personSouth Africa a system of dividing a couple`s property at the end of the marriage, which provides that the person whose assets increased less during the marriage is replaced by the person whose assets increased more, may invoke the principle that a person must exercise due diligence to avoid things that could hurt others nearby, and could be affected by the principle that judges should base their judicial decisions on written laws and precedents, regardless of their personal and political views inflicted on your reputation, to your career or to someone`s feelings or something. In some situations, the words are legitimate and legal roughly equivalent. However, legitimate may refer to a right or legal status, but also, in the case of extensive use, to a right or status supported by tradition, custom or recognized norms. the principle that a crime can be committed even if the offender did not know that one or more of his acts were in fact criminal money given to a court if someone is allowed to stay out of prison until his trial. If they don`t come back to trial, the court will keep the money A no-winning, no-fee agreement is an agreement in which a client pays fees to a lawyer only if the lawsuit results in a legal entity that is not human but has many rights and obligations, for example, a company, government agency or NGO loss of a right, an advantage or something you have because you missed something or did something wrong Legal money, which a person involved in legal proceedings must give in order to pay the lawyers and the court, usually after losing the case, when a court decision is questionable, A court or other authority may be asked to: change the process by which a site returns to a previous owner or government to the extent that the law deems satisfactory for a decision.

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