Yes, 35% shade is allowed in Arizona. You can use 35% tint in all your car windows without a windshield. So you want to color your vehicle, but you`re not sure what the Arizona Tint laws are? Then take a look at the following laws! Please note that laws are subject to change, so talk to a window toner to make sure you are within the applicable law. Whether you`re driving downtown Phoenix for your daily commute to work or on I-10 for your next vacation, the comfort and tinted protection of your vehicle`s windows is phenomenal. But does the tint of your Arizona vehicle comply with local laws? We have detailed below some of our state`s window tinting laws for your convenience. Of course, there are exceptions to these rules. For example, a person with a certain type of skin cancer needs heavily colored front side windows in the Arizona heat. Although mirrored window films are generally not illegal, some states do not allow their use. The reflection level, as far as hue is concerned, refers to the light reflected from the car window. This is not the same as darkness as it refers to the light that enters the car. Arizona has its own color laws that are different from other states in the country. To legally use window tint in Arizona, you need to make sure it meets the established standards.
So if you search for « you may be arrested for the hue in Arizona » because you`re concerned about a valid medical condition, don`t worry. These laws have a significant impact on your color choices. Needless to say, failure to comply with the rules of permitted shade of darkness and reflection will result in hefty fines and penalties. To apply for the window stain exemption, complete a window colour exemption application here. Adding a reflective tint to your vehicle accordingly can improve your driving safety and comfort. Follow these guidelines to make sure you understand the legal restrictions regarding auto window tint before changing your vehicle`s windows in Arizona. Ask a local and they`ll tell you that tinting car windows in AZ is crucial to preventing our famous hot, bright sun that can ravage our cars and bodies as we park in downtown Phoenix or make our daily commutes along crowded highways like I-10, 202, and 101. While it would be nice to have our cars as shaded as possible for comfort, in AZ there are only certain levels of car glass tint that are allowed by law. The darkness of the hue of windows is a percentage measured by the amount of light that can pass through the hue. This means that a higher percentage lets in more light, while a lower percentage blocks more light. This is often the main element of legal regulations and how your vehicle is measured to verify compliance. In addition to the tint component, the reflection of the color hue or metallic or reflective tint film may also be regulated by law.
This signed letter, along with the registration, as well as the registration of each vehicle that must be tinted, must be sent to the Arizona Department of Transportation`s medical examination program. You must provide a copy of the vehicle`s registration document and a letter from your doctor indicating the medical reason for the request. The information submitted must include your name and license number. This medical exemption does not apply to the windshield of the vehicle. The side windows of the front seats can be tinted up to 33% dark shade, which means that 33% of natural light is transmitted according to VLT standards. Each state has a set of tint laws and regulations, as well as regulations that customers and manufacturers must comply with. If you are a customer, you take responsibility for finding your regional dyeing legislation. Don`t just focus on searching for « house window color near me. » If you are a supplier, it is your duty not only to comply with these dyeing laws, but also to educate the consumer if they are not informed about regulations and laws on window tinting.
However, the tint must be above the vehicle manufacturer`s AS-1 line. Reflective tint also effectively reduces glare, provides UV and heat protection, and reduces the likelihood of your vehicle`s upholstery fading. Whether you`re driving downtown Phoenix for your daily commute or taking I-10 for your next vacation, the comfort and tint protection of your vehicle`s windows is phenomenal. But is the tint of your vehicle`s windows in Arizona compliant with local laws? We have detailed below some of our state`s window tinting laws for your convenience. Arizona`s window tint laws for passenger cars such as sedans take into account the windshield, front seat side windows, rear seat side windows, and rear glasses. If you need to be protected from direct sunlight for medical reasons, you may be exempt from the window tint requirements. The exemption applies to all vehicles you own, as well as other vehicles in which you are a regular passenger. So how much shade can you have on your vehicle`s windows if you`re an Arizona driver? Their front side windows or movable windows for the driver and front passenger must have a percentage of at least 33%. The rear side windows, which include all the side windows behind the front side windows, as well as the rear window have no limit on the shade allowed.