List of Countries with Data Protection Laws

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Many countries are reforming their laws to comply with the GDPR. This GDPR compliance checklist provides an overview of the new benchmark for data protection. Some of the best-known national laws include the Privacy Act of 1974, the Privacy Act of 1980, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 2018. The law provides for a prison sentence of up to one year for the illegal transfer of personal data outside Bahrain. PIPL provides a broad definition of personal data similar to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and GDPR. It refers to personal data as:. various types of information relating to identified or identifiable natural persons recorded by electronic or other means, with the exception of anonymized information. Like the CCPA and GDPR, PIPL perceives anonymized information as non-personal and places it outside the scope of the law. The given definition of anonymization is quite strict and states that:Anonymization refers to a process in which personal data is processed in such a way that it is impossible to identify a specific natural person and cannot be canceled. The change in California`s privacy legislation began with the passage of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in June 2018. The CCPA went into effect on January 1, 2020, giving California residents the right to know the types of personal information companies collect about them and to object to the sale of their personal information to other parties. The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) is a voting initiative that took place on August 3. November 2020 was passed by California voters.

The CPRA significantly amends and expands the CCPA by updating, amending and expanding certain rules and regulations to expand the rights of California consumers. In Germany, the Federal Data Protection Act of 2001 states that any collection of any type of personal data (including computer IP addresses) is prohibited unless you obtain the explicit consent of the subject. You must also obtain the data directly from the subject (for example, it is illegal to buy mailing lists from third parties). Moroccan data protection law defines personal data as any information of any kind that can identify a person. In order to collect or process personal data, this must be done for a specific purpose and you must obtain the explicit consent of the user before collecting it, unless the data has already been published by that person. The EC considers Japan`s IPAP to be sufficient for the export of European data and vice versa. This is the first agreement of its kind. In fact, many countries with modern data protection laws have rules for handling any type of information that identifies or identifies a person. You must limit the scope of the data collected to what is « adequate, relevant and reasonably necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data is processed ». The way you use consumer data must be consistent with what you have indicated in your privacy policy, unless you have the user`s active consent for new purposes of using the data.

The TTDSG states: All enterprises and persons that have an establishment, provide services or participate in them or make goods available on the market within the framework of this Law are subject to this Law. This means that any organization based in Germany is covered by the TTDSG, as well as all applicable organizations based outside Germany. ✓ Keep records of consents and privacy policiesYour organization must keep records of consents and purposes for which it collects, uses and discloses data. If you decide to use the data for a new purpose, you must obtain separate consent, document it, and add records to it. You must keep this data in an easily accessible form. In the case of an audit, you must provide information explaining the organization`s privacy policies and practices, as well as consent records, in plain language.✓ Consider working with anonymized dataThe CPPA does not specify the definition of de-identified information. Instead, it provides the description of the data de-identification process: De-identification means modifying personal data – or creating information from personal data – using technical procedures to ensure that the information does not identify an individual or, in reasonably foreseeable circumstances, could not be used alone or in combination with other information to identify an individual.  By law, you can collect anonymized data without visitors` consent.

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